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Video: Introduction to the Digital Maturity Assessment Tool (DMAT)

The DMAT is a new tool developed for companies to be able to assess their digital maturity. It is offered for free and applied already by over 900 companies globally.
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Presenting the DMAT

The digital maturity assessment tool (DMAT) has been developed for companies and organizations to be able to assess their digital maturity on six key dimensions and has been applied already by over 900 companies globally. The data derived is applied for research while an individual mini-report is generated for the specific company as well, with the assessment guiding on how to develop their digital maturity further.

Click here to go directly to the DMAT.

In the below video session, Annabeth Aagaard, Associate Professor and Director of Interdisciplinary Centre for Digital Business Development from Aarhus University presents the DMAT. The session was hosted by this year’s Digital Around the World conference – a 24 hours non-stop virtual conference which was held October 20-21. The conference brought together a range of top-level speakers discussing the latest trends in digital transformation. The DMAT was presented under the thematic area “Emerging technologies for digital transformation”.

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Click here to go directly to the DMAT.

Digital maturity—a measure of an organization’s ability to create value through digital—is a key predictor of success for companies that engage in digital transformation in any aspect of their business model. Assessing one’s current level of digital maturity is a first step towards increasing company performance, streamline processes, and making use of technologies to enhance interaction with customers and employees, and deliver excellent customer experience at the same time.

The purpose of the session is to stimulate discussion and promote digital transformation of business models as well as synergies between innovators, researchers, developers, politicians and civil society actors.


About the DMAT

The Digital Maturity Assessment Tool (DMAT) is an online tool that, based on a questionnaire, assesses digital maturity across six dimensions: Strategy, culture, organisation, processes, technology as well as customers and partners. The DMAT allows both private companies and public organisations across different industries, company sizes and geography to map their digital maturity and key digital development areas.


  • Is non-commercial and free to use.
  • Is research-based and developed by Aarhus University.
  • Is suitable for all types and sizes of organisations across industries.
  • Provides a clear visualisation of your organisation’s digital maturity.
  • Provides you with inspiration presented in a mini report.
  • Provides insights for the digital transformation journey.
  • Provides your results benchmarked against sector average.

The assessment takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is a valuable tool to kick-start a digital transformation. Based on the results and scores provided by the DMAT, the organisation will receive inspiration for which dimension to focus on and which action to take in their digital transformation.

Click here to get your digital maturity mapped out or here to learn more about the DMAT.

Digital Maturity Assessment Tool is developed and copyright by Associate professor, PhD Annabeth Aagaard at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Digital Business Development, Aarhus University.


About Digital Around the World

Digital Around the World is an annual conference that gathers industry and academia representatives from around the world and brings together experts and thought-leaders in the area of digitalisation.

For 24 hours non-stop, region by region, time zone by time zone, top-level international speakers were presenting and discussing the last technological innovations and trends in digital transformation at this year’s conference: from the Internet of Things to 5G, network virtualization and smart services. 26 high level sessions with keynote speakers were moderated consecutively from various countries in Europe, the Americas and the Asia/Pacific region. A worldwide community of industry experts, researchers and specialized media took the opportunity to follow and interact in the debates across the three thematic areas: “Emerging technologies for digital transformation”, “Technologies for the good” and “International cooperation in research and innovation”.

Watch other sessions of the 2021 Digital Around the World conference, here.

Digital Around the World is organized by the IoT Forum since 2011. The IoT Forum is a fully independent member-driven organisation, which supports the development of a worldwide Internet of Things community, by promoting international dialogue and cooperation between relevant stakeholders from research, industry, and public administrations.